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2024/03/09 8

The Three Resistance Movements Memorial The Three Resistance Movements Memorial: Echoes of Resistance / IXA Studio The Three Resistance Movements Memorial reflects the extraordinary opportunity to view the modern history of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic through the story of one rural family and its companions. 세 가지 저항 운동 기념물은 시골 가족과 그 동료들의 이야기를 통해 체코 슬로바키아와 체코 공화국의 현대사를 바라 보는 특별..

자료 2024.03.09

House Bättig House Bättig / Modunita architects sa The house Bättig stands between the edge of the settlement and the adjacent pasture areas on a hillside property in Valchava in Val Müstair (Switzerland). Adapted to the building plot and its topography, the house was planted in an elongated shape in the site. Bättig 집은 발 뮤스티아 (스위스)에서 발차바 언덕의 중간에있는 마을의 가장자리와 인..

자료 2024.03.09